- 说persuade (politically)
- 两说并存keep both theories
- 着catch
- 以上两说都有弊端。Both sayings are deficient in persuasion.
- 两个two
- 不要介意,他是说着玩儿的。Never mind him, he is not serious.
- 因从来无人进行考证和评断,以至两说长期并存。Since being always no one to carry out textual criticism with judge, two say coexist for a long period.
- 她低声地很快地说着话。She spoke low and hurriedly.
- 某个职员若要和其他人交谈,当且仅当该职员在“听”且他们两说同样的语言。One worker can speak to another worker only if the other worker is "listening" and they both speak the same language.
- "来和她谈谈吧," 玛丽说着,然后在人群中挤出一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。"Come and talk to her, " said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake.
- 别生气,我只是说着玩的。Don't get angry, I said it just in fun.
- 那孩子快活地喋喋不休地说着。The child rattled away merrily.
- 从脾为后天之本 ,肾为先天之本的理论出发 ,论证了“补肾不如补脾”和“补脾不如补肾”两说的立论依据、区别、联系及在临证中的运用 ,进一步探讨了脾肾两脏之间的内在联系According to the theory of spleen is the origin of the acquired constitution and kidney is the origin of congenital constitution,discussed the basis for establishing the therapeutic principle,relation,difference and apolaction of the Invigorating the Kidney Inferior to Invigorating the Spleen and Invigorating the Spleen Inferior to Invigorating the Kidney,inquired further into the interal relations of spleen and kidney.
- 他只是说着玩而已。He only said it for a lark.
- 他带着得意的神态说着话。He spoke with an air of exultation.
- 那话只是说着玩的.The remark was only made in play.
- 我不过是说着玩儿的。I said it only in play.
- 这话她只是说着玩罢了。She said it merely in sport.
- 他这样说着,脸上绽开了温和的笑容。He said this with his face expanding in a bland smile.
- "让我来吧,"他说着,便弯下腰来解裙子上的那条荷叶边。"Permit me," he said bending over and disentangling the flounce.