- “这是两码子的事。"That ain't anything.
- 虽然是同一样的物事,但当你的心情不同,看出来的却完全是两码子的事。It is interesting how your perspectives of the same things can be so different when you are in a different mood.
- 两个two
- 两次twice
- 理事(n) councilman
- 多事meddlesome
- 两国both countries
- 事由main content
- 两点deuce
- 某事something
- 两倍twifold
- 无事impunity
- 两天two days
- 执事deacon
- 两件套twinset
- 回事matter
- 两难be in a dilemma
- 任何事anything
- 两小无猜be innocent playmates
- 当事concerned; involved