- 两片涂黄油的烤面包片.two slices of buttered toast
- 这片涂黄油的面包太厚。This bread and butter is too thick.
- 他吃了两片涂有厚厚一层奶油的面包。He had two pieces of bread thickly pasted with butter.
- 不抹黄油的烤面包(片)dry toast
- 医生告诉我每顿饭后服两片药。The doctor told me to take two tablets after every meal.
- 烤面包片做午餐toast slices of bread for lunch
- 爱情片affectional film
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异Careful contrast of the two plan show up some key difference.
- 6点钟准时举行鸡尾酒会,随之在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。Cocktails will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.
- 伦理片ethical film
- "制作这种蛋糕,先要把黄油和白糖搅成浓奶油的稠度。"To make this cake you must first mix butter and sugar to the consistency of thick cream.
- 油润、丰厚的烤椰子风味Oily thick roasted coconut flavor
- 乱涂scrawl
- 在过去几年中他的收入已增加了两倍。He have treble his income during the last few years.
- 以塑料袋小粒种咖啡7-8月龄小苗对生叶为材料,取其中一片涂施稀土铝或硝酸稀土微肥作为处理,另一片徐清水为对照。Foliar applicationofbag-raised7-8-month-old coffee trees(Coffea arabica)showedthatbothchelated rare earth molybdate and rare earth nitrate couldpromote nitrogen and carbonassimilation in leaves ofCoffea arabica.
- 这种材料如果太靠近炉火很容易烤焦。This material will scorch easily if it is too near the fire.
- 他喀嚓一声将棍子折成两半。He snapped the stick in two.
- 她烤面包当早餐。She toasted bread for breakfast.
- 这两种意见界线分明。There are no indecisive boundaries between the two opinions.