- 头head
- 两个two
- 两个小姑娘和乔丹诡秘地把头靠在一起。The two girls and Jordan leaned together confidentially
- 地上有两把斧头。There are two handfuls of axes on the ground.
- 她把头靠在我的肩上。She reclined her head on my shoulder.
- 我买这两把分别画的“雨中亭”和“八仙过海”的扇子。I'll take the two fans with "A Pavilion in Rain" and "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" respectively.
- 一只小鸟把头上下快速摆动着。A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.
- 两把完全一样的钥匙a duplicate key
- 把头靠在垫子上.repose one's head on a cushion
- 两把椅子在孩子们的打斗中被摔坏了。Two chairs got broken in the boy's rough and tumble.
- 他迅速把头低下。He vailed his head rapidly.
- 一把 [两把] 钳子a pair [two pairs] of forceps
- 别把头伸出车窗。Don't stick your head out of the bus window.
- 提个小问题,天字一号是怎么回事?上面这两把刀是什么时候的呢?I want to ask a question: what's wrong with Tian Zi Yi Hao? And when are this Dao?
- 他把头枕在她的大腿上.He pillowed his head on her lap.
- 门后有两把扫帚。There are two brooms behind the door.
- 您把头路分在右边吗?You part your hair on the right side ?
- 工具箱里的两把剪刀不见了。Two pairs of scissors are missing from my tool box.
- 他们在拼命地挣扎着把头露出水面。They are struggling with desperation to keep their heads above the water.
- 你还真有两把刷子!Dear: you really have two brushes!