- 保证保险涉及保证人、被保证人和权利人三方,而保险合同通常只涉及保险人和被保险人两方。A surety bond involves three parties: the surety, the principal, and the obligee; while an insurance contract generally involves two parties: the insurer and the insured.
- 两个two
- 母亲分给每个人三粒糖果。Mother dealt three candies each.
- 三脚猫jack-of-all-trades
- 这个安排对我们两人都合适。The arrangement suited us both.
- 天人三策TianRenSanCe
- 三脚tripod
- 我们过去常常两人同骑南茜的马。We used to ride double on Nancy's horse.
- 午餐费是每人三元五。The lunch is %243.50 per person.
- 两人共有dual ownership
- 作天人三策年代the year of writing "Tian-Ren San Ce"
- 今天老板和他的秘书两人对杰克咂舌砸唇的。The boss and his secretary bell gave Jack the raspberry today.
- 她原拟装两个岛式上层建筑,每个上层建筑有一个烟囱和三脚桅。She was intended to have a double island superstructure, with a funnel in each, as well as a tripod mast.
- 锡人三项运动比赛Tinman
- 他们两人之间潜伏着一股反感的暗流。There was an undercurrent of antipathy between them.
- 她原拟装两个岛式上层建筑,每个上层建筑有一个烟囱和三脚桅。She was intended to have a double island superstructure, with a funnel in each, as well as a tripod mast.
- 论“天地人三才医学模式”Discuss on "Nature, Earth and Human Being Three-element Medical Model"
- 这两人之间仇深似海。The enmity between the two persons is as deep as a sea.
- 急症饱胃病人三种全麻诱导方法的比较Three methods of general anesthesia induction adopted on full-stomach patients undergoing emergency operation
- 他们两人都落选了。Both of them were voted out.