- 两个数字组合押注是下注任意两个骰子旋转后的结果组合。The two number combination bets consist of placing a wager on any 2 dice combinations.
- 如果您押注在多个两个数字组合,那么三个骰子旋转结果如果满足了那些组合,每一个组合您都将获得赢钱。If you bet on multiple two number combinations, and the three dice rolled match those combinations, you will win on each combination once.
- 把两个数字加起来。Add the two figures together.
- 这两个数字彼此抵消。These two figures cancel each other.
- 数字组合combination of digit
- 数字组合器digital combiner
- 我的两个儿子有时候是一对淘气鬼。My sons are a pair of rascals at times.
- 这两个对手终于决定讲和,在朋友举行的晚宴上会面了。The two opponents decided at last to sheathe the sword and met at a dinner given by their friend.
- 我在那座大厦住了两个晚上。I spent two nights in the mansion.
- 选择标题下面的第一个空白行,然后键入文本块或文本数字组合。Select the first blank row under the header, and then type a block of text or a combination of text and numbers.
- 这两个字之间有细微区别。There is a fine distinction between the two words.
- 他用螺丝钉将两个零件锁在一起。He screwed the two pieces together.
- Access会在您输入文本或文本数字组合(不超过256个字符)时推断出字段数据类型为“文本”。Access infers the Text data type for the field when you enter text or a mix of text and numbers, and you enter no more than 256 characters.
- 乘号表示两个数字相乘的关系。A multiplication sign indicates the multiplicative relationship between two numbers.
- 未成功的杂交组合都属非同族的两个种。The unsuccessful crosses involved two species belonging to different series.
- 对象ID的前两个数字标识对象类。The first two digits of the object ID identify the object class.
- 两个相差八度的音的和声组合two tones eight diatonic degrees apart that are sounded together
- 同步窗体上的两个组合框Synchronize two combo boxes on a form
- 只有两个数字填充物百分比请查看例子3Two Numbers Only Wt. Percent of filler See Example 3
- 二分组合由两个单元组成Made up of two units.