- 鳍高fin height
- 丝鳍粗单角tun porky
- 不锈钢四门高身雪柜Stainless steel refrigerating cabinet with four doors
- 天竺鲷cardinal fish
- 不锈钢六门高身雪柜Stainless steel refrigerating cabinet with six doors
- 丝silk
- 星天竺鲷Astrapogon; Conchfish
- 暗天竺鲷Phaeoptyx
- 沥乾后置于高身平底锅上以猛火煮。将锅盖盖好,并轻轻执起摇煮,直至蚬壳全部打开。Drain well, put them in a heavy-based saucepan over high heat. Cover with lid and shake the pan until the clams have opened.
- 丝印silk-screen
- 高清high definition
- 纹身tattoo
- 天竺鲷科Apogonidae
- 高的lofty
- 一丝ghost
- 一身(n) the entire body
- 行高height of row
- 鳍fins
- 蕾丝lace
- 高达attain