- 狐猴lemur
- 非洲南部象獴的灵猫,脸象狐猴并只有四只脚趾。South African mongoose-like viverrine having a face like a lemur and only four toes.
- 冕royal crown
- 丝绒velvet
- 毛狐猴woolly avahi
- 小猴vervet
- 无冕之王uncrowned king
- 她穿一件丝绒连衫裙。She wore a velvet dress.
- 飞狐flying fox
- 杀鸡儆猴punish one person as a warning to others
- 狐疑doubt
- 这件黑色的丝绒衣服配上这枚钻石胸针,显得光彩夺目。The black velvet dress sets off your diamond brooch to advantage.
- 弥猴桃Chinese gooseberry
- 狐媚bewitch by cajolery; entice by flattery
- 蓝丝绒blue velvet
- 猎狐fox-hunt
- 恒河猴rhesus
- 猴面包树monkey bread
- 兔死狐悲sympathy with one of its kind
- 沐猴而冠beautiful clothes cannot hide the ugliness inside