- 振膜式传感器vibrating diaphragm transducer
- 丝silk
- 新型绕丝式超高压容器绕丝层应力分析Stress Analysis on the Wire Wound Layer of New Type Wire Wound Super-high Pressure Vessel
- 电阻应变计式传感器transducer of resistance strain gage type
- 新型绕丝式超高压容器钢丝层强度分析Strength Analysis on the Wire Layer of New Type Wire Wound Superhigh Pressure Vessel
- 振弦式传感器vibrating wire transducer
- 桥丝式电点火头贮存失效敏感参量的研究Study on the Failure Sensitive Variable of Bridgewire Electric Squib in Storage
- 电容式传感器capacitive pickup
- 浅谈桥丝式电火工品瞬态脉冲试验的研究现状The Experimental Situation and Tendency on Transient Pulse Testing of Hot Bridge Electric Explosive Device
- 电阻式传感器resistive sensor
- 基于桥丝式电火工品射频感度测试方法的探讨Measurement about the radio-frequency sensitivity of the priming system based on the bridge-wire
- 磁栅式传感器magnetic grating transducer
- 静电放电刺激对桥丝式电火工品发火可靠性的影响The Influence of ESD Stimulus on the Firing Reliability of Bridgewire EED
- 光栅式传感器optical grating transducer
- 射频电流对桥丝式电雷管安全性与可靠性影响数值计算Numerical Calculation for Influence of RF Current on Security and Reliability of Hot Bridge Electric Detonator
- 振梁式传感器vibrating beam transducer
- 推丝式push-wire
- 振筒式传感器vibrating cylinder transducer
- 桥丝式Hot bridge wire
- 变磁阻式传感器variable magnetic-resistance type transducer