- 斑臭鼬little spotted shunk
- 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。The hunter snared a skunk.
- 臭stink
- 色斑splash
- 从前有一个女孩,一个由垃圾做成的女孩,她看起来肮脏,闻起来像臭鼬,There once was a girlwho was made up of junk.She looked really dirty, and she smelled like a skunk.
- 祛斑removing beverage
- 鼬stoat
- 臭的odoriferous
- 我国东部沿海是一片浩瀚的水域。Along the east coasts of our country are large bodies of water.
- 臭美show off shamelessly; be disgustingly smug
- 石斑lithosporic
- 工业区大部分集中在东部。The industrial area is centered largely in the east.
- 除臭deodorization
- 猫鼬mongoose
- 瘀斑petechia
- 鼬鼠weasel
- 牙菌斑bacterial plaque
- 防臭deodorize
- 斑晶phenocryst
- 鼬鼠是一种胆小的动物,但在保护其幼畜时也会凶猛地搏斗。The weasel is a timid animal but will fight like a tiger in defence of its young.