- 当年英国女王饮茶时,见茶叶在杯中旋飞,所以赋予白毫乌龙"东方美人"的美称。Amazed by the charming gesture, she named the tea "orient Beauty".
- 大小姐乔治亚娜乌发卷卷,双眸明亮,侧面看上去,高高的鼻梁,显得格外高贵,加上白天鹅似的柔颈,下削的玉楼,活脱脱一个令人眩目的东方美人。Examole2: A aquiline nose with formidable character, this gentle expression was the more interesting because the school master's nose, an irregular aquiline twisted a little on one side, had rather a formidable character.
- 英国人看惯白皮肤,瞧见她暗而不黑的颜色、肥腻辛辣的引力,以为这是道地的东方美人。The British are accustomed to seeing fair skin, so when they saw her dark, though not black, color with its rich, spicy attractiveness, they thought she was a true Oriental beauty.
- 把车拐向东方to switch the car to the east
- 爱德华·赛义德:颠覆型的知识分子与对东方学的质疑Edward Said: The Subversive Intellectual and His Subversion of Orientalism
- 抱得美人归。Canadian ice dancers Shae-Lynn Bourne and Victor Kraatz perform their second long program.
- 东方化在特性上变成东方式的To become oriental in character.
- 一群美人儿A bevy of beauties.
- 东方白鹳Ciconiaboyciana
- 你是个绝色美人。You are such a dish.
- 太阳总是从东方升起。The sun always rises in the east.
- 东方渐渐发白the quickening east
- 醇酒美人Vintage wine and women-sensual pleasures
- 华裔美人an American of Chinese extraction
- 向东方 旅行travel east
- 东方旅馆The Oriental Hotel
- 黑美人Black Beauty, written by Anna Sewell (安娜·西韦尔)
- 东方体Oriential tsutsugamushi
- 东方之星The Star of the East