- 所有的10个建筑物全部都有大量的壁画装饰,均被列入世界遗产名录。The complex of10 monuments included on the World Heritage List, all richly decorated with murals, provides an overview of Byzantine and post-Byzantine painting in Cyprus.
- 米迪运河和卡尔卡松中世纪城堡已经被列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录中。The Midi Canal and Carcassonne medieval stronghold are registered on the world heritage of U.N.E.S.C.O.
- 世界world
- 1996年12月江西庐山风景名胜区作为自然文化遗产被列入《世界遗产名录》。In December of 1996, the Lushan Mountain famous scenic spot in Jiangxi was listed into the "World Cultural Heritage List"as a natural cultural heritage.
- 列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录be inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO
- 世界上(of the) world
- 遗产heritage
- 世界的international
- 此外,爱尔兰共有三处被列入联合国世界遗产名录的景点.Even the thorniest issue of all - Northern Ireland - has seen a kind of resolution and Ireland looks to the future with untrammelled confidence.
- 被列入第一批中国非物质文化遗产名录。Has been listed among the first batch Chinese intangible heritage.
- 世界遗产基金World Heritage fund
- 昆曲已被联合国教科文组织列入非物质遗产名录。Kunqu opera has been listed in the nonmaterial heritage roster by UNESCO.
- 目前,长兴百叶龙已入选首批国家非物质文化遗产名录。Now, Changxing Hundred Flake Dragon is cataloged in the first set of the national non-substance cultural heritage.
- 被列为世界遗产的格林威治也将主办马术比赛和现代五项的比赛。The World Heritage Site of Greenwich will host Equestrian events and the Modern Pentathlon.
- 世界遗产委员会the World Heritage Commission
- “呼麦”是蒙古族特有的一种声乐艺术,2006年被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。Humai is a special vocality art of Mongol minority, which was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage lists.
- 世界遗产The world heritage
- 龙门石窟被列为联合国教科文组织的世界遗产保护单位。The Longmen Caves, or Grottoes, in Luoyang. One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
- 世界遗产项World Heritage
- 世界遗产地world heritage site