- 今年中国将作为世界贸易组织成员开始实施一系列前所未有的改革和市场开放。This year China will initiate an unprecedented range of reforms and measures to open its market as a member of the World Trade Organisation.
- 中国已正式成为世界贸易组织成员,国家将正式落实执行成员国的责任,并将扩大与外界的接触。China will soon assume full membership of WTO, and has been expanding its view of the outside world.
- 世界贸易组织成员的年终"的有利条件,使投资和经营环境"World Trade Organizationmember by the year end, "will make favourable conditions for the investment and business environment.
- 争端的范围是什么:违背世界贸易组织成员协定中包括利益和义务WHAT ARE THE GROUNDS FOR DISPUTE: a violation of a WTO Members rights and obligations covered by the agreement
- 不管我们怎么认为世界贸易组织和国际货币基金组织的政策,and regardless of what we might think of WTO and IMF policies
- 贸易组织trade organization
- 世界贸易world trade
- 新的世界贸易协议明年生效。The new world trade rules will be in force next year.
- 南美贸易组织Israeli Justice minister Mercosur trade group
- 组织成员卡a membership card
- 世界贸易的全球化the globalization of world trade
- 国家贸易组织手册;Handbook of State Trading Organizations;
- 组织成员Organization members
- 在世界贸易洽谈会上的法国展点the French pavilion at the World's Fair.
- 同一组织成员间的冲突(通常隐藏在无取胜希望者中)。conflict between members of the same organization (usually concealed from outsiders).
- 世界贸易新体制new system of world trade
- 关于国际贸易组织的哈瓦那宪章Havana Charter for an International Trade Organization
- 组织成员应该相互提供信息建议和帮助使彼此的工作顺利进展。Interdependent work-group members are expected to facilitate others'task performances by providing each other with information, advice, help.
- 巴黎世界贸易中心LE WORLD TRADE CENTER PARIS Ile-de-France
- 纽约世界贸易中心New York World Trade Center