- 且行且战running fight
- 我且行且息地在街上踱着。With halting steps I paced the streets.
- "梦至一处,不辨是何地方.忽见那厢来了一僧一道,且行且谈.""In dream he travelled to an unknown place, where he suddenly noticed a monk and a Taoist approaching, talking together. "
- 透过这些,你将可以获得对你自己更深入且珍贵的一些洞见,同时也可以见到生命数字如何在影响他人。In this way you will be gaining deep and valuable insights into yourself, while at the same time seeing how the various numbers function in others.
- 且踬且行To stumble along
- 且moreover
- 包含分配给行且能够最好地表示模糊组中所有行的特殊。Assigned to the row that best represents all the rows in a fuzzy group.
- 珍贵precious
- 珍贵的rare
- 亲戚们说,她的视力好到可以看到视力表的最下面一行且从来不用眼镜。Her eyesight was good up to the end and she never needed glasses, they said.
- 人若是公义,且行正直与合理的事,"But if a man is upright, living rightly and doing righteousness,"
- 在行be expert at
- 因你为大,且行奇妙的事。惟独你是神。For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone.
- 济南与青岛的建筑商,大多认为我公司产品易于安装,且外观颇具吸引力。Building constructors in Ji Nan and Qingdao have found our product easy to install and very attractive in appearance.
- 不可行infeasible
- 埃里克以当簿记员来维持生计,且利用周末当舞会伴奏赚些外快。Eric earned his bread and butter as a bookkeeper, but added a little jam by working with a dance band on weekends.
- 直行rectigrade
- 若要让一名年少者在短期内游一小国且要受益甚多,那就必须让他做到以下几点。If you will have a young man to put his travel into a little room, and in short time to gather much, this you must do.
- 潜行sneak
- 他花钱大手大脚且喜欢摆阔。He is lavish and ostentatious.