- 男子male
- 丑shameful
- 大男子主义androcentrism
- 丑的miscreated
- 丑小鸭ugly duckling
- 男子气概manliness
- 男子名Ferdinand
- 变丑disfigure
- 大男子主义的masculist
- 丑女人lemon (Citrus limon)
- 战争把许多青年男子吞进了它的无底洞。The war swallowed up many young men into its maw.
- 丑行infamy
- 青年男子lad
- 男子气概的manful
- 新闻界加给他骗子的丑名。The press branded him a liar.
- 他的成功为他早先的失败遮了丑。His success obscured his earlier failures.
- 支持男女平等的人反对大男子主义。People who support equal rights for women fight against male chauvinism.
- [美俚]丑妇a muddy plow
- 他指控该男子犯有偷窃罪。He brought an accusation of theft against the man.
- 大男子主义者masculinist