- 与本届冠军较量.pit oneself against the reigning champion
- 2008年将在我国举办第29届奥林匹克运动会,为了办好本届奥运会,必须建立质量水平一流、高效有序运转的服务系统。In order to successfully hold the 29th Olympic Games in Beij in g in 2008,it is necessary to set up a top-grade and high-efficiency service s ystem.
- 国际奥组委的官员盛赞北京为奥运会所做的准备工作,尤其是本届奥运会的标志性体育场馆鸟巢和水立方的竣工,更是得到了广泛的赞誉。Olympics chiefs have praised the city's preparations, and its showpiece stadiums the Bird's Nest and Water Cube have drawn wide acclaim.
- 前·两届冠军说自己对排位成绩还是比较满意的,并且因为不同的载油策略下在与对手[我猜你说的是队友]的竞争中存在希望。The two-time champion said he was happy with his qualifying laps and was left hoping the gap to his rivals was down to a different fuel load.
- 贵商史密斯公司希望与本公司开展交易,指定贵处为信用出证人。Messrs. Smith %2526amp; Co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have given us your name as a reference.
- 正本original
- 经主办方判断为参展内容与本展会宗旨不相符时,有可能拒绝其参展。The organizers retain the right to refuse the participation of an exhibitor if and when the display items are judged to be inappropriate for the purposes of the fair.
- 伊拉克继续与本·拉登在阿富汗的新家有联系。Iraqis continued to visit bin Laden in his new home in Afghanistan.
- 这类程序及形式应与本协议的规定一致。Such procedures and formalities shall be consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
- 我们与本站所提及的任何商品或生产商并无关连。We are not associated with any product or vender mentioned in this web site.
- 与本协议有关的任何争议都将通过仲裁来解决。Any difference which arises in connection with this agreement shall be referred to arbitration.
- 从杂志上找到与本章节相关的文章,标出最重要的事实,并就这篇文章写出总结。Find a magazine article about this part of the world. Highlight the important facts and write a summary of the article.
- 按照风俗或法律与本部落以外的人结婚marriage to a person belonging to a tribe or group other than your own as required by custom or law
- 它与本世纪初期穿的较长的毛料短裤大不相同。It was a far cry from the long woolen underpants of the earlier part of this century.
- 文学理论基础的广泛性与本土性问题On the Broadness and Nativeness of Literary Theory Criticism's Foundation
- 其他有关文物保护管理的规定,凡与本法相抵触的,以本法为准。This Law shall prevail in case of conflict with other existing provisions for the protection and control of cultural relics.
- 配置与本机符合,心满意足和联邦法规。Dispose in accordance with local, sate and federal regulations.
- 珠算口诀加减法与本补加减法对比研究Comparison Between Plus-minus Method of Pithy Formula and Original-complement Plus-minus Method of Operation of Abacus
- 先与本公司签一份临时租约并交订金。First, you will sign a preliminary rental agreement with the management office and pay the deposit.
- 有与本星级相适应的计算机管理系统。Have the computer management systems that match with this star class.