- 不重要的消息.a lightweight news item
- 警方拘捕了几个不重要的罪犯,但仍在寻找他们的头子。The police had caught many of the important criminals, but they were still looking for Mr Big.
- 重要的basilic
- 我挣多少钱倒不重要。真正重要的是我不喜欢这个工作。What I earn is a side-issue. What really matters is that I don't like my work.
- 最重要的top-drawer
- 更紧急或更重要的消息可在相对不重要的消息之前接收,因此可以为关键的应用程序保证足够的响应时间。More urgent or important messages can be received before less important messages, so you can guarantee adequate response time for critical applications.
- 最后,但并非最不重要的一点是,应该估计个别企业在市场上的份额情况。Last but not least, the market share of the individual firm should be evaluated.
- 他把这位不重要的卡特打发给了别人。He palmed off the unimportant Carter on somebody else.
- 小国之君统治小块的或不重要的领地的君主A king ruling a kingdom considered small or unimportant.
- 在底片上把图像上部的这个不重要的细节涂没。Block out this unimportant detail at the top of your picture.
- 微不足道的东西被认为渺小或不重要的个体An individual considered to be of little or no importance.
- 从某种意义上说,对于运作一个成功的共享软件来讲,编程技巧变成了一个不重要的事情。Beyond a certain minimum threshold, programming skill becomes a fairly insignificant factor in running a successful shareware business.
- 不重要的地方相对来说不显著或不重要的位置或地区A position or an area of relative inconspicuousness or unimportance.
- 小老爷被认为不成熟或不重要的老爷A lord regarded as immature or insignificant.
- 快速、不间断地说一些不重要的事。speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly.
- 他总是以他不重要的事情来烦恼我。He is always troubling me about his unimportant business.
- 你说了什么不重要,重要的是你做了什么。What you said was neither here nor there; the important thing was what you did.
- 他总是以自己的不重要的事情来烦扰我。He's always troubling me about his own unimportant business.
- 小题大作为小事或不重要的事大发脾气A great disturbance or uproar over a matter of little or no importance.
- 无谓的争吵不重要的争吵或争论;口角A petty quarrel or argument; a tiff.