- 指导适当行为的规则或原理。a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior.
- 不适当或者恶劣或者不道德的行为。improper or wicked or immoral behavior.
- 行为conduct
- 轻浮,轻率举止或言谈不严肃,尤指在不适当的场合; 轻佻Lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate; frivolity.
- 不适当的在一个不适当的时候出现的或做的; 时间上不利的Occurring or done at an inappropriate time; inopportune.
- "将军在不适当的时间发起了进攻,一小时前他就应该这样做了。""The general mistimed the attack, which should have been made an hour earlier."
- 不适当的行为。incongruous behavior.
- 把二者混为一谈,无疑是很不适当的。It is undoubtedly inappropriate to mix the two up.
- 不适当的行为参见incongruous behavior.See Synonyms at inconsistent
- 使别人屈从于不适当的压迫的有权威的人。a person of authority who subjects others to undue pressures.
- 不正确或不适当的动作或行为behavior or an action that exceeds what is right or proper
- 规则403排除了会引起不适当的偏见或混淆的证据。Rule 403 excludes evidence that would cause undue prejudice or confusion.
- 没有不适当的压缩的,例如紧张或限制。without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition.
- 与已婚男人单独吃饭有些不适当;不适当的药物治疗。slightly improper to dine alone with a married man; improper medication.
- 这是一种不了解历史发展规律而发生的不适当的忧虑。Ignorance of the laws of historical development has given rise to this needless anxiety.
- 撤销下一级人民代表大会的不适当的决议;annuls inappropriate resolutions of the people's congress at the next lower level;
- 委员会全体反对这个建议,认为不适当。The whole committed sat down on the suggestion as being completely unsuitable.
- 以疏忽和不适当的缺乏关心为特点。characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern.
- 没有不适当的偏见或者预先的观点。free from undue bias or preconceived opinions.
- 在棒球运动中;在不适当的位置击球被罚。in baseball: hit a ball such that it is caught from an out in foul territory.