- 在调查报告中,刚果共和国首都布拉柴维尔继续成为“世界上最不适合居住的城市”。Retaining the unwelcome distinction of the world's worst city in which to live was Brazzaville,Congo.
- 不适合居住的房屋.houses unfit for people to live in
- 光秃秃的荒凉沙漠;不适合居住的山区。the barren inhospitable dessert; inhospitable mountain areas.
- 适合to fit
- 宁可住在房顶的角上,不在宽阔的房屋与争吵的妇人同住。It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house.
- 居住reside
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 不适于居住的房屋a house unfit to live in
- 你介不介意告诉我,你为什么认为自己不适合在xxx工作?Would you mind telling me why you think you are not suitable for XXX?
- 大农场的所有者居住的房屋a house in which the owner of an extensive farm lives
- 中断行间的词,并且如果文本不适合此矩形则添加省略号。Breaks words between lines and adds ellipsis if the text doesn't fit in the rectangle.
- 但你们要知道,家主若晓得贼在什么时刻要来,他就不会容他的房屋被人挖透。But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what hour the thief was coming, he would not have allowed his house to be broken into.
- 那些房子不适合人居住。The houses were unfit for human habitation(= not clean or safe enough for people to live in).
- 有严重生理缺陷或者严重残疾不适合服兵役的人,免服兵役。Exemptions from military service shall be granted to persons unfit for it due to serious physical defects or serious deformities.
- 农场主房屋大农场的所有者居住的房屋A house in which the owner of an extensive farm lives.
- 这是幢适合于人居住的房子吗?Is it a house fit for human habitation?
- 操作指南:键盘控制,如果方向键感觉不适合的话,可以把键盘斜放Operations Guide: keyboard control, if they do not feel the key for the case, the keyboard can Pedestal with Aslant
- 借贷人通常并不想通过取消抵押品赎回权来销售收回的房屋。Lenders generally do not want to be in the business of selling houses reclaimed through foreclosure.
- 这些楼房多数不适合居住。Most of the buildings are unfit to live in.
- 你是否希望改变你所居住的地方社区之居住房屋及环境问题?Do you want to make a difference to housing issues in your local community?