- 不适于居住的房子.houses unfit for habitation
- 寒冷和水气加在一块,说明这个岛屿不适于居住。The chill and the vapor taken together told a poor tale of the island.
- 适于居住的土地habitable land.
- 我不知道特德是否真的对我们的房子感兴趣,但他肯定是装模作样的。I don't know if Ted was sincere about our house, but he sure chewed up the scenery!
- 适于居住的国家a livable country
- 不到转眼的功夫,那人冲进正在燃烧的房子,把小孩抢了出来。In less than the batting of an eyelid, the man had rushed into the burning house and brought out the child.
- 适于居住的居所a livable dwelling.
- 这是幢适合于人居住的房子吗?Is it a house fit for human habitation?
- 产于非洲阿拉伯半岛或亚洲;长着不适于盘卷的尾巴和紧靠在一起的尾巴。of Africa Arabia or Asia; having nonprehensile tails and nostrils close together.
- 不适于居住的或不易相处的。unfit or unsuitable to live in or with.
- 在我还不知道去哪里之前,我先不卖我现在的房子,否则我就会陷入困境。I'm not selling my present house until I know I have somewhere else to go, otherwise I might be in the soup.
- 布鲁塞尔的官员说,在美国屠宰的鸡不适于用来装点欧洲的餐桌。Chickens slaughtered in the United States, claim officials in Brussels, are not fit to grace European tables.
- 适于居住之地a place fit for habitation
- 她衣衫不整地从着火的房子里奔了出来。She rushed out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray.
- “适于居住性”的理论theoretical embrace of "livability"
- 我的房子是那条街上唯一的砖房,很显眼,你不会找不到的。My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticks out and you can't miss it.
- 那些老人完全不适于这竞争的世界。Those old people are simply not suited to the competitive world.
- 河边有一所无人居住的房子。There was an abandoned house by the riverside.
- 他不适于做一个唯利是图的人,使自己同自己的国家,星球断绝关系。He's not suited to be a mercenary, to cut himself off from his country, his planet.
- 这地方看起来适于居住。The place looks liveable in.