- 王对他说,我当严严的嘱咐你多少次,你才在耶和华的名里向我不说别的,只说实话呢?And the king said to him, How many times shall I adjure you to tell me nothing but the truth in the name of Jehovah?
- 说persuade (politically)
- 不说别的,她近年以来就没有走向卑陋的机会,因为她老离群索居。Among other things opportunity had of late years been denied her of learning to be undignified, for she lived lonely.
- 不说别的,她近年以来就没有走向卑陋的机会,因为她老离群索居。Among other things opportunity had of late years been denied her of learning to be undignified, for she lived lonely.
- 科研的课题很多,不说别的,光是出口商品的包装问题,我看就要好好研究一下。There are many subjects for scientific research. In my opinion,even the packaging of export commodities calls for serious study -- not to mention other matters.
- 我还以为你会说别的,但你没有I thought you would say the opposite for some, but you didn't
- 她忍住没有再说别的话,然后又回到楼下。She refrained from further speech, and descended to the ground floor again.
- 我不会说别的语言,感到惘然若失。I find it frustrating that I can't speak other languages.
- 无需再说别的。I don't need to carry on.
- 匪徒们威胁说,要是他不说出密电码藏在哪儿,就要把他干掉。The gangsters threatened to bump him off if he did not tell them where the secret code was hidden.
- 他说别的男孩全是道地的吉卜赛人。He said that all the other boys were regular gipsies.
- 可以不说的去掉,该说的就可以更突出。Delete what is dispensable and give more prominence to the essentials.
- 彼得正要讲出那桩秘密,但又闭口不说了。Peter was about to tell the secret but he bit his words back.
- 她喜欢空想,有着种种不说出口的偏爱,因而容易生气。She was fanciful, had all sorts of unspoken preferences, and was easily offe nded.
- "不和我说别的还可,若再说别的,咱们红刀子进去白刀子出来!""Shut up, and I'll overlook it. Say one word more, and I'll bury a white blade in you and pull it out red!"
- 约翰甚至于不说一声“谢谢”就离开了。John left without so much as saying "Thank you."
- 他漠然地看着指责他的人,一句话也不说。He eyed his accuser levelly without saying anything.
- 当时,在中国的英国人不是很多,除了大使之外,北京只有一两个新闻记者,更别说别的地方了。The British population in China in those days was very small. Apart from the embassy staff, there were one or two journalists here in Beijing and that was it.
- 罗摩拉的心又强烈激动起来,以致不得不突然停住不说了。Romola's heart swelled again, so that she was forced to break off.
- 他总是哼儿哈儿的,就是不说句痛快话。He hemmed and hawed but wouldn't say anything definite.