- 不管下雨还是晴天, 我都要去。Rain or shine, I'll go.
- 不管下雨还是晴天,我一定去。Rain or shine, I'll go.
- 从暴徒手上夺下刀子wrest a knife from a hooligan
- 不管下雨还是晴天,我都要去。Rain or shine, I'll go.
- 还more
- 你情愿做哪样,看电影呢还是下馆子?Which would you rather do, go to the cinema or go for a meal?
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。""Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 昨天晚上一定是下大雨了,地还是湿的。It must have rained hard last night; the ground is still wet.
- 不论是在富国还是在穷国,物质资本都是一种稀缺的资源。Physical capital is a scarce resource in rich and poor countries alike.
- 他这个周末来还是下个周末来?Is he coming this weekend or next weekend?
- 资产阶级,不论是保守派还是极端民主派,都争先恐后地对他进行肆意诬蔑。Bourgeois, whether conservative or ultrademocratic, vied with one another in heaping slanders upon him.
- 会议是本周举行还是下周举行?Is the conference to take place this week or next week?
- 所以美国的父母去哪儿都带着孩子,不论是鸡尾酒会、电影院、还是婚礼。Thus American parents take their children to all sorts of functions such as cocktail parties,the cinema,and weddings.
- “当然可以。”售票员说。“可这是下星期三的票,您还要么?”Certainly, 'the girl said, 'but they are for next Wednesday's performance.
- 你要我本周二还是下周二来?Do you want me to come this Tuesday(= Tuesday of this week)or next Tuesday?
- 每个相角不论是正的还是负的,都是相对于水平轴来说的。Each phase angle, whether positive or negative, is referenced to the horizontal.
- 无论是天晴还是下雨,我们都会等你来!Wether it shines or rains, we will be there!
- 书籍的一部分,不论是书帖还是散页,有插图但未印有正文parts book of wither in the form of signatures or separate sheets, consisting of pictorial matter without printed text
- 不管晴天还是下雨,比赛准时进行。Rain or shine, the match will go on time.
- 对不动产形成的股权,不论是有偿还是无偿,均要征税。For the transfer of immovable property, it should be levied by business tax no matter whether it is free or not.