- 不论张三李四,这个醉汉逢人就诉苦。The drunk told his troubles to every tom, dick and harry who passed by.
- 不论张三李四,这个醉汉逢人就诉苦。The drunk told his troubles to every tom, dick and harry who passed by.
- 张三李四Tom, Dick and Harry
- 我们不能随随便便让什么张三李四的都加入我们的俱乐部。We can't admit every Tom,Dick and Harry to membership of the club.
- 如果让你或者世间任何张三李四来指挥我的话,我是一刻也容忍不下去的。As to being dictated to by you, or any Jack, Jem, or Jonathan on earth, I shall not suffer it for a moment.
- 不论如何,我们仍会保持忠诚。We will remain loyal, come hell or high water.
- 如果让你或者世间任何张三李四来指挥我的话,我是一刻也容忍不下去的。As to being dictated to by you, or any Jack, Jem, or Jonathan on earth, I shall not suffer it for a moment.
- 灭火不论水清浑。Foul water as soon as fair will quench hot fire.
- 不论吃什么,她都喜欢放许多番茄酱。She likes to souse everything she eats in tomato ketchup.
- 他不论什么书都看。He read whatever books he could get.
- 似乎找邓文仪是不能解决问题的,似乎不找邓文仪或者其他张三李四也不能解决问题,这就未免叫人为难了。It seems that to approach Teng Wen-yi will get us nowhere and that not to approach Teng Wen-yi or anyone else will also get us nowhere. How very trying this is!
- 不论她说什么,都别相信。Don't trust her, no matter what she says.
- 不论花费多少,这件事一定要做。It must be done, irrespective of cost.
- 不论发生何事,与她无关。It recked her little what might happen.
- 不论谁劝他,他都顽固不化。He was incorrigibly obstinate, no matter who persuaded him.
- 不论罪exclusion of penalty
- 不论已否损失条款Irrespective of Loss or Not Clause
- 不论何者whichsoever
- 不论灭失与否保险单Irrespective of Loss or Not Policy
- 不论成败Hit or miss