- 美国旅游者不讲礼貌而爱吵闹。他们穿着短裤到处跑。American tourists are very impolite and noisy. They wear shorts every where.
- ”的声音,睡鼠生气地说:“如果你不讲礼貌,那么最好你自己来把故事讲完吧。”sh!' and the Dormouse sulkily remarked, 'If you can't be civil, you'd better finish the story for yourself.'
- 一伤心就不讲礼貌了。Disappointment makes for bad manners.
- 讲礼貌就是在任何地方都不能讲粗话。Good manners ban abusive language anywhere.
- 要讲礼貌!Mend your manners! ie Don't be so rude!
- 他认为陆军不分清红皂白把这些人关在门外未免不讲道理。He thought that the Army's arbitrary rejection of the people was unwarranted.
- 在马路上讲礼貌Be Polite on the Roads
- 他们的鲁莽和不讲道德令我们恶心。Their abruptness and improbability made us sick.
- 讲礼貌决不会有害。It never hurts to be polite.
- 有的党员就是不讲党性,坚持搞派性。Some Party members don't act in accordance with Party spirit but persist in factionalism.
- 和老人谈话时,应该讲礼貌。One should be polite when talking to the old.
- 事情的经过说来话长,我就不讲了。I will not burden you with a lengthy account of what happened.
- 讲礼貌的得友情,好心肠的得感情"He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love"
- 所以,吴作栋总理说得有理:你不讲标准英语,外国人便听不懂你的话。Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong is,therefore,right: If you don't speak good English,foreigners would not be able to understand you.
- 讲文明,讲礼貌,学会写感谢信,学会道歉Stress civilization, have manners, learn to make apology and to write thanks letter
- 人们都是毫无逻辑、不讲道理、以自我为中心的。但还是要爱他们。People are illogical unreasonable and self-centered. Love them anyway.
- 你该向他学习,他是讲礼貌的好榜样。You should model yourself on him because he's a great example of politeness.
- 如果自传只讲功不讲过,本身就变成了歌功颂德,吹嘘自己,那有什么必要?If an autobiography is only about the author's merits and doesn't speak of his mistakes, he is simply lavishing praise on himself. What's the point of that?
- 安妮:中国人不愧是讲文明讲礼貌的国家。Annie: China is indeed a country to strive for civilization and courtesy.
- 我们脑子里的四化是社会主义的四化。他们只讲四化,不讲社会主义。By modernization we mean socialist modernization,but what those people advocate is modernization without socialism.