- 没有人会不计代价永无休止地付出。No one will work indefinitely without some forms of compensation.
- 那个百万富翁执意不计代价购买那幅杰作。The millionaire intended to purchase the masterpiece regardless of cost.
- 彼得是我的白马王子,我会不计代价得到他。Peter is my Prince Charming, and I'll get him at all costs.
- 不计代价保卫远古之石。Protect the Ancestor Stones at all costs.
- 没有人会不计代价 永无休止地付出。No one will work indefinitely without some form of compensation.
- 知识的渴求,是否已让你不计代价?Do you thirst for knowledge no matter the cost?
- 知识的渴求,是否已让你不计代价?Do you thirst for knowledge no matter the cost?
- 他说,如果为保持第一而不计代价,那我们就会是另外一种做法了。'If it was win at all costs, there would be other things we would do differently,' he said.
- 我们必须坚决制止各种不切实际、不计效果的错误做法。We must resolutely put an end to the erroneous practice of doing things without considering the actual conditions and probable results.
- 只要有一点深谋远虑,合成生物的威胁就可以忽略不计。With a little forethought and oversight, fears about synthetic biology should turn out to be equally unfounded.
- 除了氢气能穿过钯和铁之外,气体穿过金属的透气常数是可以略而不计的。The permeation constant of gases through metals is negligible except for hydrogen through palladium or iron.
- 可换股票据之兑换价为每股0.1945港元,年期两年,不计利息。The convertible notes are convertible at a conversion price of HK 0.1945, bEarning no interest and with a maturity period of two years.
- 第二是纱线因素,纱线的重量,特别是纱线输送距离较短时,是可以忽略不计的。The second factor is the yarn itself. In theoretical discussions, yarn weight, especially for short lengths of yarn, is neglected.
- 给别人带来不便的恶意的或者不计后果的行为。reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others.
- 与质子的质量相比,电子的质量可以忽略不计。In comparison with the mass of the proton the mass of the electron is considered negligible.
- 支配流体运动的惯性项可略去不计。The inertia term governing the motion of the fluid might be neglected.
- (英国)一个不计后果的冲动的人。(British) a reckless and impetuous person.
- 流经上部地层的那部分电流变得可以忽略不计。The portion of the current confined to the surface layer becomes negligible.
- 幸福的途径是不计前嫌的,是主动和好的。The way to be happy is to let go,and reach out.
- 不合规则地穿越马路而不计后果的人。a reckless pedestrian who crosses a street illegally.