- 不要让他存有奢望.Don't raise his hopes too much.
- 不要让他存有奢望。Don't raise his hopes too much.
- 客人一到就让他进来,不要让他在走廊等着。Show the visitor in as soon as he arrives . do not make him wait around in the corridor .
- 不要don't!
- 不管你怎麽想,也不能说他存有野心。By no stretch of the imagination could you call him ambitious.
- 客人一到就让他进来,不要让他在走廊等着。Show the visitor in as soon as he arrives.Don't make him wait around in the corridor.
- 不管你怎麽想,也不能说他存有野心.By no stretch of the imagination could you call him ambitious.
- 即使他存有幻觉,好像乡村生活就是比城市生活优越Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life.
- 不要让他知道这件事。Don't give a hint of it to him.
- 别乱来,不要让他失血太多,Freeze, don't make him to lose too much blood.
- 那些对他存有敌意的大名只能得到外围的土地,而那些与其结为盟友的大名则得到江户附近的土地。"Hostile daimyo received domains on the nation's periphery, while allies and collateral houses were given domains nearer to Edo."
- 不要让他总是想你Don't Let Him Steal Your Heart Away
- 她拥抱了一下儿子,然后让他上床睡觉。She gave her son a hug and put him to bed.
- 不要让钓鱼线缠在一起。Don't entangle the fishing lines.
- 新来的运动员抱怨教练老让他作预备队员。The rookie complained that the coach kept him mostly on the bench.
- 你认为自己能给父亲说好话,让他给我们出飞机票钱吗?Do you think you can wheedle Father into paying for our flight?
- 不要让一个同学掉队。Let not a single classmate lag behind.
- 那个疯子不得不隔离起来,不让他与人接触。The maniac had to be shut off from contact with his fellow men.
- 不要让刀锋讥笑它柄子的拙钝。Let not the sword-blade mock its handle for being blunt.
- 经仔细考虑,他们决定让他担任经理职务。After much calculation they decided to give him the position of manager.