- 我申请了几个工作。我可不想在一棵树上吊死。I've applied for several jobs. I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket.
- 被逼得无路可走,我祖父在祖坟旁的一棵树上吊死了。Driven to desperation,my grandfather hanged himself on a tree beside our ancestral graves.
- 村民们抓到凶杀嫌疑犯时,私自治罪,将他吊死在一棵树上。When the village caught the suspected murderer, they took the law into their own hands and hanged him to a tree.
- 明朝最后一个皇帝就是在这棵树上吊死的。The last Ming emperor hanged himself from this tree.
- 他以每小时100多英里的速度驾车。结果撞在一棵树上,一命呜呼。He drove into a tree at over a hundred miles an hour and is as dead as a doornail.
- 我们把船拴在一棵树上。We lashed down the boat to a tree.
- 50年前在教堂附近种的这棵树,最近由于被一家报纸提及而出了名。The tree planted near the church fifty years ago has had a reputation for being mentioned in a newspaper recently.
- 我们已把船拴在一棵树上了。We have chained the boat to a tree.
- 我的灵魂今夜迷失在一棵树沉默的心中,那棵树独自屹立,在风中作响。My soul tonight loses itself in the silent of a tree standing alone among the whispers of immensity.
- 布告板钉在一棵树上。The notice board was nailed up on a tree.
- 一天晚上,蝉正在一棵大树上歌唱,狐狸恰巧从树下走过。A Cicada was singing one evening in the branches of a tall tree when a Fox happened to pass by.
- 他把他的马拴在一棵树上。He harnessed his horse to a tree.
- 汤姆被挂在半山腰的一棵小树上,警察大声地告诉他不要松手,直升飞机马上就到。Tom hang on a small tree at the middle hill, the policemen told him loudly to hold on, the helicopter will come soonly.
- 把一个人绑在一棵树上rope a man to a tree
- 他在一棵树下面停了下来,以便判明自己的方位。He pauses a moment at the foot of a tree to take his bearings.
- 卡车撞到一棵树上去了。The truck went into a tree.
- 为了忘掉忧虑,我躺在一棵老树干边的沙地上,画这棵老树的素描。To forget the worries of the old tree trunks while lying in the sand, painting, when the old sketch.
- 他没看好路猛然撞在一棵树上。He wasn't looking and ran bump into a tree.
- 他们砍下一棵树在小溪上架起一座桥。They chopped down a tree to bridge the stream.
- 有时,如果我很幸运,我把手轻轻地放在一棵小树上,还能感受到一只高声歌唱的小鸟的愉快颤抖。Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song.