- 库存(n) material held in reserve; stock
- 库存量stocks
- 有库存in stock
- 库存现金cash on hand
- 安全库存safety stock
- 不良现象unhealthy phenomenon
- 库存管理material requirements planning
- 预後不良.The prognosis is not good.
- 库存商品commodity stocks
- 你好象有点消化不良。You seem to have a slight case of indigestion.
- 血清瘦素在慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者营养不良发生中的意义Study of the relation between serum leptin and malnutrition in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- 商品库存merchandise inventory
- 不良心态Unhealthy Psychology
- 库存货stock on hand
- 不良重睑Unsatisfied double eyelid
- 库存股treasury stock
- 库存表statement of cash in vault
- 库存盘点stock-taking
- 库存积压overstocked products
- 库存品store