- 美国银行系统的危机大部分出现在向拥有不良信用记录的人提供房屋贷款之后。The banking system crisis in the U.S. largely began after subprime mortgages were made to homebuyers with poor credit records.
- 典当行不需要信用调查,也不会损害当户的信用记录。Pawnbrokers do not make credit checks, and using them does not imperil credit ratings.
- 信用记录credit record
- 借款人与贷款不良信用历史的断然否认。Borrowers with a bad credit history are denied loans outright.
- 历史记录history
- 你还必须估计每月能付你的汽车贷款不良信用。You must also estimate the monthly amount that you would be able to pay for the bad credit auto loan.
- 最近你查信用记录了吗?Have you checked your credit report recently?
- 有数千个网站提供服务修复不良信用评级。There are thousands of websites offering their services in repairing a bad credit rating.
- 会议记录cahier
- 一些贷款担保放款,专门处理汽车贷款不良信用。Some loan lenders specially deal with cases of secured car loan with bad credit.
- 首先,你必须掌握你的信用记录。Firstly, you need to get hold of your credit record.
- 甚至有不良信用如果你把你的家建在股本金逾数年你可以申请一张家园股本信贷额。Even with adverse credit, if you have built equity in your home by making payments over a number of years, you can apply for a home equity line of credit.
- 信用消费credit consumption
- 记录的recording
- 信用评扳Credit Grade
- 另一个名为Credit Checking服务器的Oracle实例跟踪具有不良信用历史的客户,这个实例可以从联邦系统中访问到。Another Oracle instance, called the Credit Checking server, tracks customers with bad credit history and is accessible from the federated system.
- 信用失范Lack of Credit
- 每次你拒绝卡或其它金融类,这实际上是对你的信用记录档案。Every time you're rejected for a card or other kind of finance, this fact is recorded on your credit file.
- 信用担保机制credit guarantee system
- 信用信息系统credit information system