- 我深知父亲常不能用语言表达出他博大无边的爱,而总以他所能用的特别方式来表达。I know my dad is often unable to express his boundless affection in words, he shows it the only way he could.
- 不能用语言表达我的恐惧Couldn't articulate my fears.
- 不能cannot
- 无法用语言形容某物。Have no words for sth.
- 这个人世乐园是无法用语言形容的。Words can't describe that paradise.
- 他不能用太的时间和你辩论这件事,他还有别的事要做。He can't spend too much time arguing with you about the matter. He had other fish to fry.
- 他的能力无法用语言形容。His qualities are quite indescribable.
- 在需要运用判断的那类工作中,一点也不能用机器去代替人。The machines do not in the least replace man in tasks that need the exercise of judgement.
- 他面对大家站着,讨人喜欢的脸上带着难以用语言形容的迷人笑容。He stood there facing the others with an inexpressibly winning smile upon his comely face.
- 那样的忠心是不能用金钱来衡量的。You can't put a price on that sort of loyalty.
- 他面对大家站着,讨人喜欢的脸上带着难以用语言形容的迷人笑容。He stood there facing the others with an inexpressibly winning smile upon his comely face.
- 他还太年轻一点,不能用对家庭的责任感来约束自己。He's a bit young to shackle himself with the responsibilities of a family.
- 这个炊具不能用了,因为出了电气方面的故障。The cooker isn't working because of an electrical fault.
- 其白雪皑皑的山顶构成了一幅美丽的图画,美得让每一个游客无法用语言形容。These snowy mountain tops form a beautiful picture that will make any viewer speechless.
- 我花了那么多钱,这东西居然不能用。I pay all that money and the thing do not work!
- 口头证据不能用来否认书面契约条款的规则。a rule that oral evidence cannot be used to contradict the terms of a written contract.
- 不能用简单的方法去解决这个问题。This matter cannot be settled in a summary fashion.
- 不能用语言表达的inexpressible
- 你不能用“sleep”和“feet”押韵。You can't rhyme “sleep”with “feet”.
- 到不能用语言表达的程度inexpressibly