- 让夏威夷居民和游客都不胜其扰。is causing problems for Hawaiian citizens and visitors.
- 恢复角色的国会与坚决自主的行政部门之间斗争,其结果将如冤家对头般激烈,将使当局绝望地不胜其扰。The result will be a bitter struggle between a resurgent Congress and a determined executive, which will leave the administration hopelessly distracted.
- 税务检查员常来我们这里, 不胜其烦.We had sundry visitations from the Tax Inspector.
- 你提的这些愚蠢的问题真使我不胜其烦。You are taxing my patience by asking such stupid questions .
- 税务检查员常来我们这里,不胜其烦。We had sundry visitations from the Tax Inspector.
- 这之后,在困惑和虚幻中,我知道了有一种深不可测的神秘感.我虽然不理解它,但是却象理解了似的深受其扰.After that I knew in a confused and illusory fashion that there was an unfathomable mystery I did not know but that agitated me as if I did.
- 我有一个朋友下周四来作客。如果能调,我将不胜感激。A friend is calling in next Thursday and I'd be most grateful if a swap could be arranged.
- 所有这些问题逐渐使我不胜其烦.All these questions are beginning to tax my patience.
- 我发现有一辆我想买的旧车,如你能和我一起去检查一番,我将不胜感激。I've found a second-hand car I want to buy and I would be grateful if you would me with me to give it the once-over.
- 我们还互相学舌让对方不胜其烦。Oh, we used to drive each other crazy playing the shadow game.
- 如寄样品,并报最低价格及现汇付款最大折扣,则不胜感激。I shall be glad if you will send me pattern with your lowest price and best discount for cash.
- 如果你能为我安排一下,我将不胜感激。If you can arrange for me, I will be very grateful.
- 沃尔夫智胜其拙劣对手的方式颇为迷人,作为东德国家安全部秘密警察头目三十四年来,他在西德境内到处安插间谍,招募告密者。There was a whiff of glamour in the way that Mr Wolf's spies outwitted their bumbling West German rivals.
- 当推销员到达时,如能按照约定的新样品,得到供货,则不胜感谢。I shall be glad to receive a fresh supply of sample as promise when the traveler reaches the town.
- 若能告知你方是否给现金折扣或商业折扣,将不胜感激。We would appreciate it if you let us know whether you allow cash or trade discounts.
- 不胜其烦be pestered beyond endurance
- 要是你能对这整个事情保守秘密,我将不胜感激。I'd be very grateful if you'd keep the whole affair under your hat.
- 不胜其任not capable enough to take on heavy responsibilities
- 请尽快找个时间来一下,不胜感激。I shall be obliged if you find time to favour me with a call as soon as possible.
- 在最后的哨声,船长和目标赔率尤尼斯马哈茂德查德横跨球场曾让他的队友在追求才坍塌成一堆,不胜其成就。At the final whistle, captain and goal scorer Younis Mahmoud sprinted across the pitch with his elated teammates in pursuit before they collapsed into a pile, overwhelmed with their achievement.