- 不等臂浮力天平Unequal-arm buoyancy balance
- 切削刃与工件旋转中心不等高的几何误差分析Dimensional Error in NC Turning Caused by the Differ of the Setting Highnessof the Workpiece and the Cutting Tool
- 等臂染色体isobrachial chromosome
- 偏振分光镜传输系数不等对非线性误差的影响Nonlinearity from difference between transmission coefficients of PBS in laser heterodyne interferometer
- 由于着丝粒在中央而具有两个等臂的。having two equal arms because of the median position of the centromere.
- 不等臂秤unequal-arm scale
- 不等他说完,她就转身朝外面的客厅走,接着就上楼了。He was just finishing when she turned on her heel and went out into the hall and upstairs.
- 等臂equiarm
- 如果你不等向导来便走进洞去,后果由你自己负责。If you go into the cave without waiting for the guide, you do it at your own risk.
- 等臂的equiarm
- 公司工资的等级从学徒工的5,000英镑到总经理的50,000英镑,级别不等。The company's salary scale range from5,000 for a trainee to50,000 for the managing director.
- 皮鞋的价格从100美元到250美元不等。The prices of leather shoes range from 100 to 250 dollars.
- 不等臂杠杆multiplying lever
- 我从来不等到临近考试了才努力,在整个学习过程中,我都很用功。I never wait until the last minute before the exam. We must work hard during the whole course of our study.
- 不等臂[医] arm unequal
- 他告诉我:“我当时以为,不等我们有足够的时间呆在一起,我就会死去。"I thought I was going to die before we had enough time together," he told me.
- 等臂性Equal balance
- 不等敌人明白怎么回事,我们就开火了。We fired away before the enemy could understand what had happened.
- 等臂电桥equal arm bridge
- 美式封顶看涨期权的变分不等方程模型Variational Inequality Model of the American Capped Call Option