- 如果要是 ipo 所占的比重能够上升的话,是不是 IDG 的回报还要更高?If the IPO ratio goes up, will IDG have an even higher rate of return?
- 我觉得在那样的场合说这句话非常不的当。I think it was very inappropriate to say that on such occasion.
- 如果你不准备干到底的话,动手做这一工作是毫无意义的。There's no point in starting the task unless you're prepared to carry it through tot the end.
- 他怎么会说出那种荒唐的话呢?他的头脑究竟清醒不清醒?How can he say anything so silly? Is the man right in his head?
- 我并不全同意你所说的话,不过我们不要再谈这件事了。I don't agree with all you say but we'll let it go at that.
- 若你离开这家公司1个星期的话,你的工作就不会被保留。This firm will not hold your job open if you are away for a week.
- 如果富裕国家不予以帮助的话,那么贫困国家的人民就会无谓地死去。People in the poorer countries will die needlessly if the richer countries pass by on the other side.
- "你不听我的话,反叫这些人教的歪心邪意,狐媚子霸道的.""But instead of doing as I say, you let other people warp your mind and teach you these sneaky ways. "
- 如果你想让关系不好使你伤心发愁的话,你可能会在叹息中浪费掉一半的青春。You can sigh away half your youth if you choose to allow failed relationships to sadden you.
- "我对自己说过的话很懊悔"。"不必在意,反正我不会记在心上的。""I'm sorry for what I said." "Forget it, I can't remember anyway."
- 我早晨在家,要是我不在的话,我会把收条留给我的管家的。”I shall be at home till midday, or if not, I will leave a receipt with my steward."
- 他那些不顾他人感受的话,将毒害两个超级大国之间的关系。His insensitive remarks will poison relations between the two superpowers.
- 假如我了解的话,就不会用那个可怜的班图女子要胁您了。If I'd known I wouldn't have threatened you about that wretched Bantu girl.
- 如果你不修理那辆旧车的话,总有一天会因它出事故的。You'll have an accident with that old car,one of these days,if you don't have it repaired.
- 帕格用那几句简短而有把握的话不加思索地答复了对方单刀直入的追询。Pug's short assured answers were instinctive returns of the hard straight quizzing.
- 假如机器款额总数太大的话,我实在不能承担这个责任。I really can't commit myself if the total payment for the machinery is too big.
- 如果不能得到宽限的话,机场在没有足够设备的情况下,只有两种方法能达到要求。It is said airports had two ways to meet the deadline if they did not have the proper equipment installed.
- 同样的,如果你不能有意识地控制那些积极情绪 的话,它们也会造成破坏性的结果。The positive emotions can also be destructive if you do not organize and release them with conscious control.
- 不听不老实的仆人之流搬弄是非的话,更不受他们的影响。Not to be influenced by, or give ear to knavish tattling servants, or others.
- 事实是,如果你控制好宠物的话,在MC宠物基本上不会死。Truth is, a pet should die rarely in MC, if you pay attention.