- 这种事我们从不明说,我们得到了可靠的暗示,只要知道这个就够了。That's a kind of thing we never tell. We got the straight tip; that's all you need know.
- 不明unknown
- 主题不明的,东拉西扯的包含很大范围的主题;杂乱无章的Covering a wide field of subjects; rambling.
- 一个不明飞行物高悬空中。An unidentified flying object hung high in the sky.
- 这稿子由于讹误太多,以致有的部分意义不明。The manuscript is so corrupt that parts of it make no sense at all.
- 不明了mistiness
- 一个不明飞行物出现在雷达荧屏上。An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen.
- 一个不明飞行物出现在雷达萤幕上。An unidentified flying object appeared on the radar screen.
- 机内的人都目睹这一景象,大家都认为这就是不明飞行物。Everyone on board saw it and everyone thought,"UFO" Unidentified Flying Object.
- 不明原因原发性不孕者宫腔内人工授精失败后治疗方案的选择Treatment Option for Unexplained Primary Infertility Following Failed Intrauterine Insemination
- 巴斯克语巴斯克人的语言,其语系关系不明The language of the Basques, of no known linguistic affiliation.
- 选择性动脉造影在不明原因的下消化道出血诊断中的价值探讨。The value of selective angiography in the diagnosis of intractable lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage.
- 固始县黎集镇南元村中心小学30名学生发生不明原因疾病的调查报告A survey about 30 students got unknown disease in Nan Yuan Primary School in LI Ji Town, GU Shi County
- 飞机上的每个人都看见了这个明亮的球体,每个人都认为这是不明飞行物。Everyone on board saw the bright spheres and everyone thought it was "UFO" -Unidentified Flying Object.
- 多数天文学家相信,宇宙充满了大量的不明物质。Most astronomers believe that large quantities of some unidentified material pervade the universe.
- 胸部CT在不明原因咯血中的诊断价值The Value of Computeriged Tomography in the Investigation of Unexplained Hemoptysis
- 他原因不明地在凌晨三点钟离开了家。He left the house at three in the morning for inexplicable reasons.
- 一起原因不明的细菌性食物中毒调查A Survey No Reason of Food Poisoning Research
- 机动车车体上不明文字的显现与辩读Appearance and Distinguishability of Unclear Letters on Vehicles
- 论约定不明情况下合同履行地点的确定Determination of Performance Place Under Unclear Contractual Conditions