- 不断起伏日常纷争.The constant ups and downs of daily strife.
- 不断uninterrupted
- 日常daily
- 昆塔听到这些话,思潮不断起伏,他暗暗发誓总有一天也要到那些激动人心的地方去闯一闯。Kunta's mind reeled at what he heard, and he vowed silently that someday he too would venture to such exciting places.
- 日常生活daily life
- 不断的ceaseless
- 纷争dispute
- 日常工作routine
- 不断地endlessly
- 日常的trivial
- 日常用品dunnage
- 假山堆得起伏有致,别有情趣。The rockeries are piled up in an uneven and intriguing way.
- 持续不断的continual
- 法国受委托调停该两国间的纷争。France was asked to arbitrate the dispute between the two nations.
- 日常事务everyday concerns
- 不断变化flux and reflux
- 他们不希望卷入这场纷争中。They did not wish to become embroiled in the dispute.
- 日常费用running expenses
- 持续不断incessancy
- 日常管理current management