- 显式地指定控件行为而不是指定外观的属性不接受主题值。Properties that explicitly specify control behavior rather than appearance do not accept theme values.
- 不接受超出所记录的各配置选项值有效范围的新配置选项值。Does not accept new configuration option values out of the documented valid ranges for each configuration option.
- 希特勒没有想到,在法国崩溃之后,不列颠还是不接受和平建议。Hitler could not conceive that Britain would not accept a peace offer after the collapse of France.
- 恐怕我们的会计部不接受贵公司的信用保证人。I am afraid your credit references were not accepted by our Accounting Section.
- 不接受报盘Unable to accept an offer
- 接不接受随便take it or leave it
- 她拒不接受王位.She refused the crown,ie refused to become queen.
- 他有可能不接受邀请。It's possible that he will not accept the invitation.
- 那官员不接受我超速行驶的理由The officer didn't buy my lame excuse for speeding.
- 目标不接受消息。The destination did not accept the message.
- 他拒不接受她的请求。He refused to give in to her pleadings.
- 她拒不接受求婚。She rejected the marriage proposal .
- 病人仍然拒不接受事实。The patient is still in denial.
- 不接受凭保函议付条款The Clause for Negotiation by Letter of Indemnity is not Acceptable
- 不接受要求、 进球无效.disallow a claim, goal
- 我决不接受贿赂, 一尘不染.I wouldn' t sully my hands by acceptinga bribe.
- 历史从来不接受困难这个借口。Difficulty is excuse history never accepts. ---- E.R Murrow.
- 在开始阶段不接受材料。No supporting documents are accepted at the outset.
- 不接受担保汽车贷款冲动。Don't accept secured car loans on impulse.
- 他可以接受,也可以不接受。He can take it or leave it.