- 不懂ignorant of
- 看不懂be blind to
- 我听不懂他的演讲,他总是从一项内容跳到另一项内容。I couldn't understand his lecture because he kept jumping from one topic to the next.
- 不懂的unstudied
- 他不懂英文,更不要说德文和法文了。He does not know English, to say nothing of German or French.
- 亏得你长这么大,那么点事儿都不懂。Fancy a big boy like you not understanding such a simple thing!
- 听不懂understand
- 我不懂I don't get it.
- 我不懂这个词是什么意思。I don't understand what the word means.
- 这个年轻的学生听不懂文人们引经据典的谈话。The young schoolboy can not understand the allusive conversation of intellectual men.
- 我几乎听不懂他们的方言。一般来说至少在谈事情时,他们应用标准英语。I can hardly understand their dialect. you will think at least they will speak standard English for business!
- 天啊!今年的大一新生什么也不懂!God! The freshmen are pathetic this year!
- 我懂得他讲话的大意,但不懂其中的细节。I understood the tenor of his speech but not the details.
- 马吉给我画了张地图,但我却看不懂。Maggie showed me a hand-drawn map but I could make nothing of it.
- "如果你继续这样急促不清地说下去,谁也听不懂了。"Nobody can understand you if you keep jabbering away like that.
- 别说得这么急,玛丽,你讲得像连珠炮似的,我听不懂。Don't gabble, Mary, I can't understand when you run your words together.
- 他假装既不会说中文,又听不懂中文。He pretends he cannot speak nor understand Chinese.
- 他讲那么一种方言土语,我根本不懂他说什么。He spoke such a jargon I couldn't make head or tail of what he said.
- 我看不懂这张地图,你能指出我们现在是在哪里吗?I am having trouble understanding this map. Can you show me where we are on the map?
- 不懂礼貌,不得体的,或表现得如此的Having or exhibiting no sense of propriety or decency.