- 如果银行不愿贷款给我们,这恐怕就行不通了。If the bank won't lend us the money it's no go, I'm afraid.
- 到1982年,他们已不愿向公共借贷者发放新的贷款。By 1982 they had become reluctant to extend new loans to public borrowers.
- 安娜把头歪向一边,说她不愿听我说话。Anna tilted her head to one side and said she wouldn't hear me.
- 他们异口同声地宣称不愿做这样的事。They put it about with one voice that they would do no such thing.
- 他宁愿待在家里,不愿和我们一起去。He preferred to stay at home rather than go with us.
- 到1982年,他们已不愿向公共借贷者发放新的贷款。By 1982 they had become reluctant to extend new loans to public borrowers.
- 他不愿承认失败,却宁愿厚颜无耻地干下去。He preferred to brazen it out rather than admit defeat.
- 他们宁愿厚颜无耻地硬顶而不愿承认失败。They prefer to brazen it out rather than admit defeat.
- 我才不愿为这么低的工资而拼命做活。I'm not going to break my back working for such low wages.
- 故有钱的多愿罚款,不愿戴高帽子。Hence many of the rich prefer being fined to wearing the tall hat.
- 他是位爱争论的人,无论休整都不愿想当然。He is a provocative man who takes nothing whatever for granted.
- 他不愿听命于老板,所以就被解雇了。He is fired because he is not willing to be at the beck and call of his boss.
- 他们宁愿息事宁人而不愿惹是生非。They would rather make concessions to avoid trouble than stir up trouble.
- 科兰先生是为了对着干而对着干,因为不愿相信而不相信。Mr. Colin contradicts for the sake of contradicting, and does not believe because he will not believe.
- 这会儿他想到,不知道自己到底愿不愿使出全身的力气来。Now he wondered if he had been willing to put forth his utmost strength, after all.
- 他宁愿贫穷,也不愿以不正当的手段获取金钱。He would rather be poor than get money by dishonest methods.
- 闻一下他呼出的气息就足够使你永远不愿喝酒。One sniff of his breath was enough to turn you off drink for good.
- 他们不愿跟这种没骨气的家伙打交道。They wanted no part of such a slack-twisted fellow.
- 珊蒂与劳瑞结婚二十年。珊蒂要离婚,劳瑞却不愿婚姻破灭。Sandra and Larry had been married for twenty years. Sandra wanted a divorce and Larry wanted to make things work.
- 修伯特不愿为一瓶不值十先令的酒付出二十先令。Hubert grudged paying 20 shillings for a bottle of wine that in not worth 10s .