- OECD税收协定范本中的避免双重不征税Avoidance pf Double Non-taxation under the OECD Model Tax Conventrion
- 新企业所得税法不征税收入具体问题探析A Probe of Some Specific Problems of Non-Tax Revenue concerning New Enterprise Income Tax Law
- 征税收入tax receipts
- 非征税收入non-tax receipts
- 可征税收入taxable income
- 税务局:可以。这两种情况的税收处理是不同的。对第一种情况,其性质是转让无形资产,如果是无偿行为,则不征税。Tax official: there are different tax treatments in the two cases. For the first case,the nature is transfer of the intangible asset,so the business tax is exempt provided it is transfer for free.
- 总可征税收入total taxable income
- 各项收入栏中的不吻合情况仍有待解释。A discrepancy in the miscellaneous earnings column remains unaccounted for.
- 最低可征税收入minimum taxable income
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that.
- 总的可征税收入total taxable income; total taxable income; total taxable income
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 征税imposure
- "我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。"I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
- 我相信这一要求不会给您带来不便。I trust this request will not cause you inconvenience.
- 国务院规定的其他不征税收入。Other tax-free incomes as prescribed by the State Council.
- 那时他们连普通衣服都不能生产,更不要说高级的了。At that time they could not produce ordinary garments, not to speak of high-grade ones.
- "喝杯啤酒?" "不,谢谢。我好不容易决定不再喝酒了的。""Have a beer." "No thanks. I've signed the pledge at last."
- "人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。""It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."