- 矢量概率统计方法及转子不平衡矢量合成Statistical Method for Vectors and the Composition of the Rotor's Unbalanced Vectors
- 不平衡矢量unbalance vector
- 关于双平面平衡矢量计算法和影响系数法一致性的论证Demonstration of consistency of vector calculation method and influence coefficient method for bi-plane balance
- 基于矢量测量的多约束路径选择Normal Measure Based Multi-Constrained Path Selection
- 导纳不平衡测量装置admittance unbalance measuring set
- 装置system
- 不平衡disequilibrium
- 用模拟数字混合乘法器实现矢量测量的原理及误差分析Vector measurement principle and errors analysis of analog-digital mixed multiplier
- 复导纳不平衡测量装置complex admittance unbalance measuring s
- 矢量测量Vector measuring
- 动不平衡及车轮动平衡机不平衡量的测量Dynamic unbalance and measurement of amount of unbalance for wheel dynamic balancer
- 世界粮食生产的不平衡是农业生态系统及其管理部门的一个问题。The world food imbalance is a problem of agricultural ecosystems and their management.
- 基于声强矢量测量法提出了舰船目标运动参数的估计方法,并提出了快速算法.Based on acoustic intensity, the estimation of ship motion parameters is put froward, and a rapid algorithm is introduced.
- 直流电力牵引中不平衡电流及谐波对地铁信号系统的影响Influence of Unbalance Current from DC Traction over Metro Signal System
- 气动不平衡式鱼雷发射装置Aerodynamic non - balance torpedo launcher
- 激素分泌不平衡,尤其是雄性激素分泌过多也会导致头发稀疏。A hormone imbalance, especially too much of the male hormone androgen, can also result in thinning hair.
- 电能计量装置电量不平衡原因分析Cause Analysis on the Unbalanced Electrical Quantity
- 当一植物对不平衡地施用生长素起反应时,总是产生乙烯。Whenever a plant responds to applied, i. e., unbalanced, applications of auxin, ethylene is produced
- 当前,全球贸易的不平衡反映了一个结构性、体制上的问题。The present global trade imbalance reflects a structural, system-wide problem.
- 我们必须看到经济的发展是不平衡的。We must note that the growth of the economy is uneven.