- 王与七个谋士既然差你去,照你手中上帝的律法书察问犹大和耶路撒冷的景况;You are sent by the king and his seven advisers to inquire about Judah and Jerusalem with regard to the Law of your God, which is in your hand.
- 这众子面无羞耻,心里刚硬。我差你往他们那里去,你要对他们说,主耶和华如此说。For they are impudent children and stiffhearted. I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD.
- 他从各方面来说都是一个不差的小伙子。He was in all respects a nice fellow.
- 这众子面无羞耻,心里刚硬。我差你往他们那里去,你要对他们说:主耶和华如此说。The people to whom I am sending you are obstinate and stubborn. Say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says.
- 我将在一两天内给你一个答复。I will give you an answer in a day or two.
- 都市的万点灯火比起情人脉脉含情的迷人眼神来,那魅力是不差分毫的呢。The gleam of a thousand lights is often as effective as the persuasive light in a wooing and fascinating eye.
- 我欠你一个人情。I owe you one.
- 其实渥太华已经这样做了,而且通常情况下所得的结果都不差。This is what Ottawa already does, and it usually works.
- 不是往那说话深奥,言语难懂的多国去,他们的话语是你不懂得的。我若差你往他们那里去,他们必听从你。Not to many peoples of obscure speech and difficult language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely if I had sent you to them, they would have listened to you.
- 我要告诉你一个好消息。I've got news for you.
- 英国议会议事录一字不差地记述了下院议事程序。Hansard provide a verbatim account of the proceeding of the house of commons.
- 我不能告诉你一个确切的日期。I can't give you a precise date.
- 宁夏虽地处边远,自然条件却并不差,是名符其实的“塞外江南”。Although situated in an outlying part of the country, Ningxia is richly endowed by nature, deserving fully the name Sai' Wai' Jiang' Nan or Lush Southern Country Beyond the Great Wall.
- 不光是你一个人Join the club
- 不差。炼钢厂的废料回收项目刚刚投运。而您的环保项目进行的怎样?Ve just got the recycling project started in our melt shop. How is your environmental project going?
- 徒二六18我差你到他们那里去,叫他们的眼睛得开,从黑暗转入光中,从撒但权下转向神,又因信入我,得蒙赦罪,并在一切圣别的人中得著基业。Acts26:18 To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.
- 我只是问你一个问题。你何必对我这么凶。I only asked you a question. There's no need to bite my head off.
- 无论何时他都用不着踌躇犹豫,都不会说不上来,而且还都能说得毫发不差。He never had to hesitate, he always knew, and always with unerring precision.
- 我问了你一个问题,你没回答。I asked you a question and you didn't answer.
- 对独白的准确再现;她的角色一字不差。a letter-perfect rendition of the soliloquy she was word-perfect in her part.