- 实solid
- 谎言存心说成真的不实的陈述;谎话A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
- 若有伪造资料或隐瞒不实,本公司愿意承担一切法律责任。If there are any forge documents or trick, our company is willing undertake legal result.
- 声明:我保证填写的上述内容属实,如有不实后果本人负责。APPLICANT'S STATEMENT: I certify that all statements and answers provided by me on the application form are complete and true to the best of my knowledge.
- 说我偷了钱的指控是不实的。The accusation that I stole the money is false.
- 可是,你在我心里构成的形象,/却就象一堆虚浮不实的泥沙!For thine and thee, an image only so/Formed of the sand, and fit to shift and break.
- 不实粒flat-kernel seed
- 不实发现mare's nest
- 不实菌丝sterile hyphae
- 杂交不实的cross unfruitful; cross-unfruitful
- 不实的平静;虚伪的欢乐。deceptive calm; a delusory pleasure.
- 不实花unfertile flower
- 他打算告发他们把货物卖给他时作虚伪不实的吹嘘。He intends to bring suit against them for misrepresenting the merchandise they sold him.
- 关于印第安人有著许多不实之辞及谎言。There is a lot of exaggeration and falsehood about the Indian.
- 部分原因是如果竞争公司发现其所言不实,可能会威胁要进行法律诉讼。partly because rival companies can threaten legal action if they feel that the claim is untrue.
- 现在已禁止广告商用不实之词来欺骗消费者。Advertisers are now forbidden to deceive customers with false claims.
- 关於印第安人有著许多不实之辞及谎言There are a lot of exaggeration and falsehood about the Indian
- 他们不能证明我案发时不在现场的辩解不实They couldn't break my alibi.
- 三对检查人员询问其职务上之事项,无正当理由不为答复或故意答复不实。It refuses to answer without proper cause or purposefully provides false information when inspectors ask about its duties.
- 这些数字表明报告所谓业务正在滑坡的说法不实。These figures give the lie to reports that business is declining.