- 不堪其苦Cannot Bear the hardship
- 让夏威夷居民和游客都不胜其扰。is causing problems for Hawaiian citizens and visitors.
- 或者,也许她对于成名不堪其负?Or perhaps she was reacting badly to the burdens of celebrity?
- 其its
- 这之后,在困惑和虚幻中,我知道了有一种深不可测的神秘感.我虽然不理解它,但是却象理解了似的深受其扰.After that I knew in a confused and illusory fashion that there was an unfathomable mystery I did not know but that agitated me as if I did.
- 扰disturb
- 恢复角色的国会与坚决自主的行政部门之间斗争,其结果将如冤家对头般激烈,将使当局绝望地不胜其扰。The result will be a bitter struggle between a resurgent Congress and a determined executive, which will leave the administration hopelessly distracted.
- 与其it's better ... than ...
- 庸人自扰much ado about nothing
- 顺其自然let nature take its course
- 会议结束时混乱不堪。The meeting ended in a complete shambles.
- 其后thereafter
- 他焦虑不堪。He was harrowed with anxiety.
- 阻扰pullback
- 夜市喧扰不堪。The night market was bedlam.
- 串扰crossfire
- 其自身proprietary
- 叨扰thank you for your hospitality
- 电气工程及其自动化Electrical Engineering and Its Automation
- 扰码scrambler