- 上了年纪的人,脑子有时候会一下子不听使唤。In advanced years a man's mind might go back on him at some unpredictable moment.
- 她想走开,可两脚不听使唤,身不由己地来到了同学们一边。She tried to go away, but her feet were treacherous, and carried her to the group instead.
- 一进车厢,他的眼泪就不听使唤了。他拿起手帕掩面痛哭起来。But he was hardly inside when he burst into tears and buried his face in his handkerchief.
- 她想回答,但舌头却不听使唤了。Her tongue failed her when she tried to reply.
- 不听close one's ears
- 她走起来一瘸一拐。她说左腿膝盖不听使唤。She limped; her left knee bothered her, she said.
- 我想要站起来,可是双脚不听使唤I tried to get up but I couldn't find my feet
- 听使唤obedient
- 他不听从我们的劝告,出去游泳给淹死了。Heedless of our advice, he went for a swim and drowned.
- 他们不听我这方面的意见,这不公正。It was unjust of them not to hear my side.
- 让这种猎狗去追踪猎物,比较容易听使唤。Such hounds are easier laid on.
- 如果你固执不听我的劝告的话,这个生意我就不过问了。If you persist in disregarding my advice, I shall wash my hands of the whole business.
- 尽管那男孩的父母三番五次要他认错,那男孩就是不听。Despite several promptings from his parents the boy refused to apologize.
- 许多次我心灰意冷因人们屡劝不听。Umpteen times I gave up when people turned a deaf ear to their wrongs.
- 我不会再给Jim提建议了,因为他从来都不听,说了也是白说I won't waste good advice on Jim anymore because he never listens to it. I won't cast pearls before swine
- 我想她发烧是由于她不听我们的劝告在大冷的天里长时间游泳所造成的。I think we can trace the fever back to that long cold swim that she took against our advice.
- 体温下降的最初信号可能会是轻微的判断力下降,稍微感觉发冷,做一些简单动作感到手脚不听使唤。Early signs of hypothermia may be as mild as poor judgment, a slight sensation of chilliness, and trouble using your hands for simple tasks.
- "她不听母亲的劝告,去参加了那次聚会。"She disobeyed her mother and went to the party.
- 我跟她争辩了几个小时,想让她认识到危险性,但她就是不听。I reasoned with her for hours about the danger, but she would not change her mind.
- 朋友,请原谅我不能再写下去了。 那些说要把我的病治好的人老是给我放血,我都精疲力竭了,我的手不听使唤了。forgive me if I do not write more, for those who say they will cure me bleed me to exhaustion, and my hand refuses to write another line.