- 不倒绒,摇粒绒,天鹅绒,涤纶,T/C棉,绵纶,人造丝steam velour, ice velour, polar fleece, polyester, T/C cotton, nylon, spandex
- 语言吓不倒我,我能说六种,还能轻而易举地学会其它语言。Languages have no terrors for me: I can speak six and learn others easily.
- 城中所流的血倒在净光的磐石上,不倒在地上,用土掩盖。For the blood she shed is in her midst: She poured it on the bare rock; she did not pour it on the ground, where the dust would cover it.
- 这吓不倒我们。This cannot intimidate us.
- 屹立不倒stand erect
- 我不得不倒出抽屉的东西以找出那些文件。I had to empty out the drawer to find the papers.
- 你尽管问吧--决问不倒我,Ask me anything you like you won't catch me out.
- 扳不倒儿tumbler
- 那座高塔是怎样竖着不倒的?How does that tall tower stop up?
- 困难压不倒我们。No difficulty can overwhelm us.
- 什么都难不倒我。Nothing can beat me down.
- 那种困难吓不倒他。The difficulty did not daunt him.
- 这塔怎么会不倒呢?How does the tower stay up?
- 困难吓不倒他。The difficulty did not daunt him.
- 这种事还难不倒我。It won't kill me.
- 什么威胁也吓不倒我们。No threat can daunt us.
- 驳不倒irrefutable
- 不倒相输入non inverting input
- 暴徒和凶手吓不倒我们。And we will not be intimidated by thugs and killers.
- 我相信一杯酒醉不倒他。I don't think that one glass of liquor will make his see double.