- 孝亲不辞劳苦,自为儿孙好榜样;行善不望回报,必为儿孙积善福。Show filial piety, be a model for the children. Accumulate merits by doing good without reward.
- 大围临时夜间封闭美田路Temporary Closure of Mei Tin Road in Tai Wai During Night Time
- 为儿孙作未来计,十望九空。为社会作众人谋,点滴有功。Schemes to advance posterity usually fail. Working for society today gains merits.
- 比如在华盛顿,买美式足球赛季的票得等上几十年。In Washing-ton,D.C.,for example,the waiting list for season football tickets is several decades long.
- 介乎积辉街及车公庙路之间的一段美田路南行;Mei Tin Road southbound between Chik Fai Street and Che Kung Miu Road;
- 莫为儿孙作牛马do no slave for your children
- 比如在华盛顿,买美式足球赛季的票得 等上几十年。In Washing-ton, D.C., for example, the waiting list for season football tickets is several decades long.
- 只有不为社会所收买的人才能创建健全的社会。It is only the man unpurchasable by society that can create the sound society.
- 儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙作马牛The children can take care of themselves when they grow up, and the parents don't have to work too hard for their future
- 你们必攻破一切坚城美邑,砍伐各种佳树,塞住一切水泉,用石头糟踏一切美田。You will overthrow every fortified city and every major town. You will cut down every good tree, stop up all the springs, and ruin every good field with stones.
- 他这位作家的著作是如此不为人所知,以致几乎等于机密文件。He was an author whose works were so little known as to be almost confidential.
- 你们必攻破一切坚城美邑,砍伐各种佳树,塞住一切水泉,用石头糟踏一切美田。And ye shall smite every fenced city, and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree, and stop all wells of water, and mar every good piece of land with stones.
- 有些学员为儿孙作了榜样,在营造学习型家庭中发挥积极作用。Some of them set up good examples in creating a studious environment of a family.
- 我们无论怎样感谢他也不为过。We cannot thank him too much.
- 一谈到交朋友,你再怎么小心也不为过。When it comes to making friends, you cannot be too careful.
- 地球是方的这种说法早已不为人们所相信了。The idea that the earth is flat has long been discredited.
- 我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过。We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English.
- 他是个性格平和的人,从不为小事生气。He was a quiet man who didn't let small things upset him.
- 我并不为约翰辩护,不过我想他不应该对那意外事件负责。I hold no brief for John, but I do not think he was responsible for the accident.
- 他是个性格平和的人,从不为小事生气。He is a quiet man who does not let small thing upset him.