- 上行导频时隙UpPTS Uplink Pilot Time Slot
- 时隙导频time-multiplexed pilot
- 扩频时隙ALOHA技术捕捉能力及性能分析Analysis of Capture Capability and Performance of Spread Spectrum Slotted ALOHA
- OFDM系统中基于导频的时变信道估计Time-Varying Channel Estimation Based on Pilot Tones in OFDM Systems
- 时隙time slot
- 频时表frequency schedule
- 基于导频检测技术的射频前馈功放研究Investigation and Simulation of Feedforward Power Amplifier Based on Pilot Signal
- 标频时信号Standard frequency and time signals
- 长途通信网频分制系统频率比较导频系列Frequency comparison pilot series for the FDM systems in the toll communication network
- 可以唯一被识别和确定的周期性时间间隔,例如位时隙、路时隙、帧时隙。A periodic interval of time that can be uniquely ?identified? and determinated.For example, bit time slot, path time slot, frame time slot.
- 线性插值信道估计中导频间隔的最优化设计Optimal Pilot Interval Design for Linear Interpolated Channel Estimation
- 标频时号standard frequency and time signal (SFTS)
- 位时隙digit time slot
- 分段限速设计改善导频辅助调制系统频谱效率的研究A Design for Increasing Spectral Efficiency of PSAM-OFDM System Based on Segmented Effective Transmission Rate
- 路时隙channel time slot
- 频时分析Frequency-time analysis
- 块状导频block- type pilot
- 时隙块slot block
- 分散导频dispersive pilot
- 帧时隙frame slot