- 文摘:提出一种基于混沌序列含导频信号的宽带正交多码CDMA系统模型,利用混沌序列以及采用正交插入导频信号提高系统性能,并对此模型在衰落信道中的性能进行分析。Abstract: In this paper,an orthogonal multicode wideband CDMA system modelincluding pilot channel based on chaos spreading sequences is given.Based on chaos sequences,with pilot channel inserted orthogonally,it is shown that the performance of the system is improved.The performance of the system in fading channel is analyzed.
- 信号signal
- OFDM系统中基于导频的时变信道估计Time-Varying Channel Estimation Based on Pilot Tones in OFDM Systems
- 导频信号pilot signal
- 基于导频检测技术的射频前馈功放研究Investigation and Simulation of Feedforward Power Amplifier Based on Pilot Signal
- 射频信号radio-frequency signal
- 长途通信网频分制系统频率比较导频系列Frequency comparison pilot series for the FDM systems in the toll communication network
- OFDM系统中基于梳状导频的空时信道估计Space-time Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems Based on Comb-type Pilot Arrangement
- 泵频信号pumping signal
- 线性插值信道估计中导频间隔的最优化设计Optimal Pilot Interval Design for Linear Interpolated Channel Estimation
- 摆频信号发生器wobbulator
- 分段限速设计改善导频辅助调制系统频谱效率的研究A Design for Increasing Spectral Efficiency of PSAM-OFDM System Based on Segmented Effective Transmission Rate
- 单频信号simple-frequency signal
- 扩频信号spread-spectrum signal
- 时域导频Time domain pilot
- 块状导频block- type pilot
- 跳频信号frequency-hopping signal
- 多频信号multifrequency signal
- 分散导频dispersive pilot
- 导频设计pilot design