- 干式喷漆室dry spray booth
- 北京切诺基发动机采用卡特YFA单腔、下吸式、三重喉管化油器。Beijing Cherokee engine uses Cart YFA carburetor which is single barrel, downdraft carburetor with triple venturi.
- 水旋式喷漆室的设计Design of Water Rotation Painting Booth
- 下lower
- 下一next
- 水旋式喷漆室的优化设计Optimum Design of Water-Spinning Type Spray Painting Room
- 便携下吸式潜水泵portable downdraft submersible pump
- 一下(adj) one time; once
- 干式喷漆室的改良及应用Improvement and Application of Dry Lacquering Room
- 查找下一个find next
- 下的subaltern
- 下一个next
- 多级水帘式喷漆室的设计The design on lacquer spraying booth of multistage water curtains
- 下吸式抽风罩downdraft hood
- 水旋式喷漆室烘干系统的改造Reforming of Drying System of Lacquer Spraying Room
- 耙吸式挖泥机drag suction dredge
- 下吸downdraught
- 喷漆室spray booth
- 抽吸式浓缩机pneumatic thickener
- 侧抽风喷漆室Spray booth of side exhaust