- 下lower
- 下一next
- 半字节模式Nibble mode
- 下半second
- 一种四位的字,即半字节。A 4 bit word; half a byte.
- 一下(adj) one time; once
- 下半场the second half
- 有时将四位数字组成的单元叫做半字节。Units of four bits are sometimes referred to as nibbles.
- 查找下一个find next
- 半semi-
- 下的subaltern
- 半年half a year
- 下一个next
- 适当的半字节的最高位选择通道数。The top bit of the appropriate nibble selects the channel.
- 字节、位、半字节或其他较小的数据类型。A byte, bit, nibble, or other small data type.
- 下半月the second half of the month
- 在下半场比赛中,我们球队打得更加积极主动,出现了几次精彩的传球。In the second half our team opened up and several attractive passing movements began.
- 下半部分the latter half
- 下半部lower half
- 下半球lower semisphere